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A generation of rising minds

This is Rising Minds, the radio show that gives voice to young people and their efforts to shape the conversation around issues that impact their wellbeing.

Join us to dive into the opportunities and obstacles facing today’s youth and spotlight the inspiring solutions and stories of those who are leading the charge.

You can tune into the show here, or join us in person at our pop-up radio booth at the Women Deliver Conference 2023.

We’ll be exploring:

Digital Rights

Over 70% of young people have reported experiencing cyberbullying. Young people have to navigate many challenges in the online world, from protecting online privacy to upholding freedom of expression.

Join us as we explore the solutions for creating a safer, more equitable online space where young people can thrive and fully participate in the digital age.

Mental Health

Did you know 1 in 5 children and adolescents worldwide experience a mental health challenge? There is an urgent need for action.

Tune in to explore some of the key issues and questions surrounding the mental health of young people. What are the most common challenges? How can we promote mental wellness and support for those who are struggling? What can we do to create a mentally healthier future around the world?

Adolescent Health & Wellbeing

This generation of young people are the largest in history! There are over 1.8 billion adolescents in the world. It’s really important that we work together to make sure that young people have everything that’s needed to thrive in secure and healthy relationships, and to reach their full potential and rights.

As young people, your voices are so important and should be heard when it comes to decisions that impact your health and well-being, resilience, education and skills, and connection with people and the planet.

Tune in to discover what young people want and need to thrive in today’s world.

Meet our #RisingMinds

Meet our #RisingMinds

The Future Now.
For Young People

Fondation Botnar
St. Alban-Vorstadt 56
4052 Basel
+41 61 201 04 74
